How Soon After Tooth Extraction Can You Eat?

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how soon after tooth extraction can you eat

Immediately after you have extracted your teeth, our dentist will provide detailed information on the likely post-surgery complications. Our dentist in Yaletown will be sure to cover the impact tooth extraction can have on your diet and how it affects eating and drinking.

The common practice implemented after tooth extraction near you is including soft and liquid meals into your diet, which you can consume on the same day as the surgery. Then, there is a gradual change to your regular diet over the days.

First Day

The nature of your surgery will determine how quickly you can commence regular eating. The precise details will be given to you by your surgeon. In most cases, you can commence with liquids shortly after the surgery; you might even be able to have soft foods like mashed potato or ice cream. It is not a good idea to drink any liquids using a straw. This is because the suction can disrupt the blood clot formed over the extraction site wound.

Using a straw can only lead to more pain and rupture of blood vessels, which will delay the wound’s healing. It would help to avoid hot liquids the following days after the surgical operation. Hot fluids will also cause more damage and slow down the healing process.

Second and Third Days

You can maintain your soft foods and liquids diet on the second day after the extraction. You can even add more foods as long you can avoid chewing on the side where the extraction was performed. Always ensure that the food is kept soft and inconsistent so you will not be required to chew excessively.

For those who drink beer and other alcoholic beverages, our dentist is expected to tell you to stay away from it for a while after the treatment of tooth extractions near you. This is because alcohol can negatively affect the efficacy of any medication prescribed by our dentist near you or even slow down the entire healing process.

First and Second Weeks

In the first few weeks following the extraction, you will maintain a regimen that will keep you from chewing on the affected side. The essence is to ensure you do not cause more wounds and slow the healing process.

That said, these first few weeks are when you can gradually shift to your normal diet. But even at that, have it at the back of your mind that dishes with acid, spice or even a lot of pepper should be avoided. This is because such foods can cause irritation of the extraction site, and when that happens, it will only delay the healing process. You also have to stay away from hard and crunchy meals, as they tend to delay healing.

Hints of Caution

Once you finish a meal, you must keep your mouth clean. You can do this by rinsing, brushing or flossing, whichever one that is recommended for you by your surgeon. If you notice pain or infection at the extraction site, do not keep it to yourself. Reach out to your surgeon because it can be one of the complications of wisdom teeth removal in Yaletown.

Once our dentist near you can look at the case, professional help can be given. Regardless of your discomfort, speak out, and Abba Dental will always be there for you.